Interdisciplinary Science Projects:

• A series of evaluation projects for the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), which brings together natural and social scientists to find solutions to complex environmental problems, with Carol Bromer (2016-2021)

• Leadership of a team that evaluated Our Planet, Our Health, a program of the Wellcome Trust that supports interdisciplinary research advancing the emerging interdisciplinary field of Planetary Health, with Patti Patrizi and others (2018-2019)

• An evaluation of the Humble Approach Initiative, a project of the John Templeton Foundation that gathers small, interdisciplinary groups of scholars and scientists to exchange ideas about important scientific themes, with Carol Bromer (2015)

• An assessment of the Powdermill Nature Reserve, a biological research station managed by the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, with Tom Hatley (2013)
