Useful Research

Gathering empirical evidence is the core of our work. With skills in both qualitative and quantitative research, we employ multiple methods to produce meaningful information to answer our clients’ questions and inform their decisions. We love numbers and strive to produce and analyze quantitative data whenever appropriate. At the same time, we’re wary of specious quantification and understand that numbers can easily confuse or deceive if they’re based on bad data or faulty assumptions.

Often there’s no substitute for simply talking to people – engaging in conversations, listening to stories, trying to understand situations through the eyes of diverse stakeholders. That’s why we often rely on in-depth, open-ended interviews. But we’re rigorous in the analysis of interviews, using qualitative analysis software to identify themes and patterns.

Open-ended interviews typically provide information that’s rich and detailed but limited by small sample sizes. We often combine interviews with internet-based surveys that allow us to reach a larger number of informants.
